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Sell Products through Facebook in 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever noticed on the home page of your Facebook, if you pay attention then you will find there people who update their status. Now in the news feed or homepage you will see your friends' posts where you have done likes, comments, sent messages, mention and also tagged in.

If you are observant, then this is our opportunity to do business online, because Facebook with such a large market both from the lower, middle and also the upper classes, most still often use Facebook. With all the free features of Facebook, you can actually build your own business from now on.
Out there maybe you often hear that selling on Facebook must use Facebook Ads. Facebook ads are a service on Facebook for paid business.

Here is the tips for Sell Products through Facebook

1. Research your Target Market

This law is mandatory. You do business online but without doing research, it is like the word you sell vodka in front of the mosque and selling prayer beads in front of a disco! Understand what I mean?
So by doing research we will know who our market is. 

What keywords are often typed by people on Google to find the products you sell? Besides that you can know the months or periods where your product will sell and your product will go down. Well the great thing is that you can know which countries and cities are looking for your products the most. If you know it all then you will be easy to sell, because you have these data.

2. Create a Segmented and Targeted Facebook Account

After research, the next step is to convert the research results into the name of your Facebook account. I suggest using keywords for your facebook name. The reason is simple, because in this way people who add you know consciously that you are selling and that they still add your Facebook, then this person is someone who has an interest in your product.

So for example you sell perfume, and then you can use the name Sell Original Perfume, Wholesale Cheap Perfumes, Branded Perfume Stores etc. With this name you will find it easy to get friends who are respected and targeted.
So avoid using names that don't contain keywords like Kanza Store, Adelia Shop, Dinesh Shop etc.

3. Build Closeness with Consumers

By building closeness you will get a place in the heart of your customer. So you want to sell anything if you are trusted, then you can sell anything. Building this closeness is a lot of ways you can do it. You can do and comment on the status of your Facebook friends. Say happy birthday if your Facebook friend has a birthday. These simple things will make you get a place in the hearts of the participants.

Another thing that is not less important is besides posting sales status; don't forget to share other statuses such as motivation, prayer, and inspirational stories and tips related to your product. Suppose you sell perfume so you can share tips on how to use the right perfume or you can share how to choose a good perfume like what.