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Amazing Facts about Facebook You Need to Know

Amazing Facts about Facebook You Need to Know

Facebook is the world's largest social networking website that is played by almost everyone. Behind it, do you have any curiosity about Facebook facts?

Facts about Facebook

With the number of users who have almost no more, already too much data compiled up from its users. Social networking application made by Mark Zuckerberg is definitely have a variety of user data ever published in it.
In other words, Facebook knows a lot about you. But the question is whether Facebook uses the data correctly or not. 

Facial Recognition

 Facebook Face Recognition

When a friend tags you in a photo uploaded to Facebook, then the photo will go into the pile of data mounts belonging to Facebook. This social network has a bot called Al. The function of this AI is to do a pattern that suits your face.
Facebook algorithm is claimed to have a high accuracy of 98%. In each uploaded photo, this social network is more accurate only in the face matching pattern. Just hope Facebook does not sell our faces to people who have malicious intentions.

Facebook Always Watches You

Facebook Facts

Facebook Messenger application allows Facebook to always know whenever and wherever you are. Although there are settings to turn off the location feature in this app, but Facebook can still drive you. 

They can easily find you just by looking at digital maps that are already connected directly to the Messenger Facebook app. Wow, so horrified yes.

Making People Lonely Be Lonely

This fact may sound pretty sad. The reason, a psychiatrist from New York University, Dr. Sudeepta Varma, explains that Facebook makes someone know what other people are doing, but besides that Facebook also makes people more lonely.

Surprisingly in this study, mention that the use of Facebook for two weeks alone can reduce the level of subjective happiness. This is the reason why you do not have to play Facebook long.

Facebook Know More About You

The News Feed feature on Facebook allows users to engage in it for as long as possible. During that time, Facebook will collect your personality from what content you like.
This data will be used to target Facebook ads to suit the interests of its users. So do not be surprised if Facebook knows what you're looking for.

Facebook User Data

That was some facts about Facebook that is quite unsettling. What can be drawn from this discussion is: You do not have to play for too long. Use Facebook as necessary and do not make Facebook as a place to vent and so forth. The real world is still much more cool than the virtual world anyway.

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