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Canvas International Pre School

Canvas International Pre School

C - Creative Excellence - Each child is unique and creative in their own way.
A - Acceptance - Each child should be accepted for who they are.
N - Novelty - Various new concepts are used to teach children.
V - Visual Impact - Each child is taught important things in a visual and interactive manner.
A - Assurance - Parents are assured that their children would have fun in school.
S - Safety and Security - A serene environment is created so children can grow up safely.

Canvas International School is an exemplary preschool situated in multiple regions in Jaipur and other cities. We are proud to educate about 500 children varying from 18 months to 5.5 years of age. We take special care of each and every child, and create a path filled with fun and learning to help in your little ones’ transition to formal schooling.

Canvas International Pre School

Canvas has a close-knit staff whose only goal is your child’s positive growth. This group of lively people includes experienced teachers/mentors, grooming staff, subject experts, support staff and a central support team.
Using our collective experience, we have created a unique model which imparts all the basic skills and development your children needs in order to be a successful member of the society.

We believe schooling should be full of smiles and laughter and not quietness and boredom. We encourage our young ones to play, dance, sing, and have fun while they learn important lessons that can truly change their life.

Canvas International Pre School

We just don’t teach children; we create a unique environment, where children can explore life and the many fun adventures that happen every day.

We believe “If the foundation is strong; the building is bound to be strong”. This holds true in terms of early childhood development as well. With great resources, time and effort, we wish to create an ideal childhood paved with smiles and laughter. 

We admire the innocence children have. We wish to create a new world for our children. A world that allows them to explore the beauty and experience the joy around them, while providing them comfort and warmth. By combining both ideals of nature and nurture, we wish to create an empty Canvas for kids to fill in with their wonderful imagination. We believe this self-expression will mould their identity. By encouraging our children to be creative by singing, dancing and playing, we open their minds to a world of possibilities and hope for their success.
Canvas aims to nurture children with important values which will help them to grow into a successful adult. This idea is accomplished by our curriculum that not only teaches academics but also effective communication and social skills which will serve the children well in the future.

Canvas International Pre School
  • To introduce well balanced integrated personalities to the future.
  • To foster high standards of behaviour based on mutual responsibility and self-discipline.
  • To ensure quality teaching and learning by providing an education that enriches and empowers.
  • To inculcate among students not just academics but also human excellence by nurturing values of generosity, truthfulness, compassion, tolerance and justice.
  • To assist each student to discover their strengths and talents and make them aspire for goals of excellence.
  • To inculcate and foster in students a strong social consciousness so that they may become effective leaders and team players of tomorrow.
Hema Harchandani - The brain behind Canvas.

Hema Harchandani

She wished to make an impact on the nation’s future by building a strong foundation for today’s children. With this goal in mind, Hema chose the educational sector and founded the Canvas International Pre-School in April 2016. Using a unique PSED approach, Canvas has made waves in the preschool industry.
Since its inception Canvas has 10 branches & has more than 500 children on its roll. It has already been recognized as a well-established school within Jaipur and outside.

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